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Reviews for Frontline Pet Care Tick Remover for Dog Supplies
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Frontline Pet Care Tick Remover - Dog Supplies

Rating 4/5 7 Reviews

Starting at Only $16.91

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Does the work

Does the perfect work of removing ticks without harming dogs


Right decision

After reading other customer reviews here and after my pug becoming prone to ticks, as we reside near woods, about the size of a grain of rice, I decided to buy this stuff. And, I'm happy to make the right decision


Tick tool

this is not just like any other tool, it is simply great with easy to handle and easy to pull out ticks


love it

love it, most easiest way to remove ticks. easy to use, easy to handle and easy to remove ticks and no more tick borne diseases.


tick remover

it is quite handy, it is attached to my car keys so whenever i go on a walk i just use it returning back whenever I notice any tick on my furry kid.
